Do you have Gaps in your front teeth??

You are proud of your Smile, as you Brush and Floss regularly, try to keep them white as possible. You may or may not have taken great care of your teeth over the years. Some times, the only problem is hat there is a glowing dark spot right in the center of your Smile; A gap in between your Front Teeth!
It may only be a few millimeters but in some circumstance you feel very conscious of it.
Fortunately, this GAP doesn’t have to be permanent in your life. At Smile Please Super Speciality Dental Clinic (ISO 9001:2015 Certified), our in-house super specialist Dr. Sharad Kumar M.D.S.(ORTHO), have several treatments available for “Gapped Teeth” and fixing them get you both good looks and health benefits for your teeth and Smile.
What causes Gaps/ Spaces Between the Teeth??
A Gap or a Space between two teeth is Formally known as ‘Diastema’. These gaps tend to appear between the upper or lower front two teeth, but it’s important to understand that it can happen between any two teeth.
- Mismatch between the size of the jaw bones and the size of teeth.
- Missing teeth or Undersized teeth.
- Extension of the oversized ‘Labial Frenum’, in between the upper two central incisors.
- Habits like Thumb-sucking/ Tongue Thrusting.
- Large Size Tongue.
- Gum diseases.
So there are several Reasons why gaps can happen within your teeth. Even if you are not bothered from the aesthetic front, it’s important for you to get it checked by our specialist- Dr. Sharad Kumar M.D.S. (ORTHO), in case it is being caused by something serious like gum disease. Gaps in your teeth could also mean that your bite is not functioning properly, which can lead to the painful experience of chipped or broken teeth.
Treatments for Teeth with Gaps:
At Smile Please Super Speciality Dental Clinic, we have plenty of treatment options to close the gaps in between teeth.
Orthodontics / Braces/ Invisible Aligners- Invisalign
Orthodontics is the best way to treat “Diastema’s”. If the gaps are more severe and the teeth size is big, it is the only option for this treatment.
Correcting the gaps in your front teeth isn’t as simple as moving your front teeth. Moving those two teeth will also create gaps in between every other tooth. For this reason, you will require braces for all of your teeth.
But don’t worry, if you’re against having metal brackets on your teeth, there are other options like Ceramic Braces / Mono-crystalline Ceramic braces /lingual braces or even invisible aligners which are far less noticeable and can even be removed. Orthodontics are a great option for giving your smile a complete makeover, fixing many aesthetic and functional problems. This can lead to a healthier smile and make your teeth easier to clean.
Dental Bonding/ Tooth Color Fillings
Dental Bonding/ Tooth Color Fillings is the easiest, quickest and the most economical way to treat the gap between your teeth. The simple procedure involves the application of a tooth-colored resin material to your teeth. The material is shaped to look natural- tooth like and then hardened with a special light, which ultimately “bonds” it to the tooth to close the gap in your teeth and smile.
Taking good care and maintenance of your bond means it can last a long time, and correcting a broken bonding is a simple procedure.
Porcelain Veneers are another cosmetic procedure that can treat the gaps in between your front teeth.
A veneer is a thin piece of porcelain that has been shaped in a lab to match the shape and color of your teeth. It is placed and bonded over the front of your tooth and acts like a mask, covering up any imperfections or gaps in your teeth. Once bonded, the thin piece of porcelain becomes very sturdy and difficult to break. It helps to correct Shape, Size and Color of the teeth.
What to Do NOW??
If you have a gap in your teeth, then your next step is to schedule the appointment with our in-house specialist – Dr. Sharad Kumar M.D.S. (ORTHO).
The best treatment is different for each individual and their needs, and can only be determined after careful evaluation and consult.
Fixing the gap in your teeth will not only have aesthetic and health benefits, but also will improve your self confidence. So it’s important that you don’t delay and book your appointment today..
So what are you waiting for… Book an appointment with our Super specialist: DR. Sharad Kumar M.D.S. (ORTHO).
Call +91 9821662442 / 9930185453 / 022- 27657810
Visit us at:
Smile Please Super Speciality Dental Clinic
Office no. 203, Nirman Vyapar Kendra, Plot no.10, Sector 17, Vashi. Navi Mumbai. 400703. Above Navratna Restaurant.